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Contributions & Clubs
Contributions & Clubs

Join the Wellness Wishes family and help us fund initiatives that rebuild a healthier future! Today we're funding Animal Wishes: Rescue and Therapy Home

There are various contribution methods to allow you to join and impact a cause close to your heart, Animals.  For detailed information on Animal Wishes, visit the webpage, or contact us for more details.  Check out the contribution methods below and decide in which way you’d like to contribute.  Thank you for joining us in granting a wish for our cherished animals, and welcome to the Wellness Wishes family!





Become a member of the Wellness Wishes family by contributing $1 to $249 to

Animal Wishes. 




Become a member of the Wellness Wishes family by setting up a recurring monthly or annual contribution to Animal Wishes; contribution is completely customizable.  Recurring Givers will receive special recognition on the website.

Major Impact



Become a member of the Wellness Wishes family by contributing a minimum  $20,000.  Major Contributors will receive special recognition on the website. 



Corporations & business entities can join the Wellness Wishes family by sponsoring Animal Wishes.  Corporate sponsorships are completely customizable & are tax exempt.  Sponsorships come with customized benefits for the organization, and will receive special recognition on the website.

 See below for more details.


Love for Living Creatures Club

Join Wellness Wishes in addressing an important cause: Animals and their valuable place in our communities.  Becoming a FOUNDING member of the ‘Love for Living Creatures Club’ comes with a contribution of $250 or more.  Benefits vary, including mention in our annual report, as well as on our Love for Living Creatures Club page on the website, inclusion in our members-only newsletters and reports, special keepsakes, invitations to special events and more.  In becoming a member of the Love for Living Creatures Club, your contribution can go to any, or a combination of, the animal-specific funds (Animal Wishes, Rescued Wishes, General Catalyst).  The following ranks define contribution levels:

One Heart Level - $250 - $499

Two Heart Level - $500 - $999

Three Heart Level - $1,000 - $4,999

Four Heart Level - $5,000+


Corporate Sponsorship Club

Corporations and business entities can join the Wellness Wishes family by sponsoring a cause close to both our hearts, veterans and seniors.  Corporate sponsorships are completely customizable, come with customized benefits for the organization, and can include, but not be limited to, mention in our annual report and on the website, invitations to special events, veterans care package and more.  Corporate sponsorships can also come with customized branding on  placed UWAR units. 

One Diamond Level - $500 - $999

Two Diamond Level - $1,000 - $4,999

Three Diamond Level - $5,000 - $9,999

Four Diamond Level - $10,000+

Help us fund Animal Wishes, an effort that rebuilds a healthier future animals!


Wellness Wishes is the perfect vehicle to easily and efficiently reclaim lost revenue for local hospitals and healthcare facilities, while generating much-needed funds for the communities in which they serve.

Get involved to recoup lost, unrealized money for your healthcare organization, while financially contributing to Animal Wishes with no out-of-pocket expenses. Your involvement will provide a warm, loving home for animals in need, while generating and maximizing revenue for your own organization. 

YOU have the power to make this happen!  HOW?  Contribution is easy! 

Download the document below for more information:

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