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  • Writer's pictureWishesErin

Help Us Bring Hope and Goodness to Our Nation's Capital

Wellness Wishes is bringing hope and goodness to the people in the D.C. area with our community healthcare project.

With everything going on today in America (and throughout the world) few efforts need attention like that of philanthropy. The wonderful thing about philanthropy is that everyone can get involved in some type of philanthropic project, initiative or effort. All those with a good heart and good intentions can find some mission that drives them, moves them, propels them to do more good and make an impact.

The simple fact that there are so many great causes to get involved in is one of the things that caused me struggle early on with Wellness Wishes. Over the years, working various businesses, all over the country, meeting so many wonderful people, it was hard for me to pinpoint exactly what I wanted the mission and focus of Wellness Wishes to be. So I settled on 4 areas of impact, from which we can run various programs and services and do more good in our communities.

Most people that know Wellness Wishes, know that our 4 areas of impact are: Underserved Areas in Healthcare, Veterans, First Responders and Conservation & Education. We have many programs and services under each, and were proud to announce our very first special project serving our nation's first responders this past 4th of July weekend: Teller County (CO) First Responder Project. Next week, stay tuned because we'll launch our flagship projects under veterans and senior programming!

But this project launch is special for a number of reasons. We're able to commit to a project so needed in America today, where everyone with a heart can find a reason for getting involved. We're combining our underserved areas in healthcare focus with veterans and conservation & education as well, for our D.C. Community Healthcare Project.

This project is spearheaded by a wonderfully passionate lady (who still wishes to work behind the scenes as we're working through these initial phases) who just happens to be a clinical physician in the D.C. area, and who saw a need for this type of philanthropy and this type of project. A few months later, after careful planning, we're making the project a reality.

Starting with a brick-and-mortar facility in the D.C. area, Wellness Wishes will manage a community center with many programs and services, targeted to various underserved and special segments of the population. Not just a community center, not just a clinic, but a central place of love, hope and support for members of the D.C. community.

The facility will have traditional community resources, workshops, and educational tools, as well as traditional healthcare services, but it will go beyond those much-needed staples. A focus on the family unit will allow this center to be a safe-haven for domestic violence victims, providing support, resources and assistance, covertly if needed. Single-parent families will also be a center of focus, as will be elderly and disabled. This community center will bring to life our intentions that no veteran who proudly and selflessly served their country, the United States of America, should go homeless, hungry, without quality medical care, or life necessities.

The facility will be a coordinator of the community, fostering collaboration between different segments of the population, agencies, businesses and other organizations.

Facilitating a relationship between first responders and those home-bound are an intention, as is placing and financially supporting rescued animals with home-bound individuals.

Our vision is grand and our plans are just getting started, which is why we need your support at this critical stage. There are many ways to join the cause. From volunteering to contributing, to corporate sponsorship's and provider contributions, YOU can help Wellness Wishes in benefiting our nation's capital community. YOU have the power to instantly make all of this happen!

We’ve created this project and campaign for everyone to contribute at various levels; every contribution makes an impact!  Please be sure to review the ways on how you can make an impact, or contact us to discuss the various ways today.  Also, please be sure to share this page with your family and friends because the more you share, the more wishes we’re able to grant.  Your involvement is critical to our success and the success of our D.C. Community. Hop on over to our Current Events tab and check out the D.C. Project - get involved, join the Wellness Wishes family and make an impact today!

Thank you for helping us grant a wish!


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