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Writer's pictureWishesErin

TAG! You are it...

Since the Ice Bucket Challenge six years ago, many PiePals suggested that we do something similar, but using whipped cream paper plate Pies in the Face, instead of buckets of ice water. As opposed to benefiting Lou Gehrig's disease, our beneficiaries are cancer organizations. We believe that there are many individuals across our country who actually want to give or take a Pie in the Face. It is American. United State born comedian Ben Turpin first used the act in the 1909 short film "Mr. Flip."

This is our suggested guideline for American Pie Party TAG. Please note three significant items.

  1. 100% of the money raised goes directly to your chosen cancer charity.

  2. You need to make arrangements with another PiePal to continue your thread and that person also needs to replicate what you did. Thus creating a continuum.

  3. We encourage you to use our tagline in your brief video, "What's the cure for cancer? TAG! YOU ARE IT!" We also recommend that the pie recipient gets smashed by a cancer survivor, though not necessary.

If you understand the Pie Party TAG process, you can initiate a thread of fundraising events completely benefiting your cancer charity that potentially could raise huge funds.

We hope you take action. This is not brain surgery or rocket science. This is American Pie Party TAG!



Do you know anyone who has cancer or had cancer? If so, you will want to join our Mission of fighting cancer with Pie in the Face humor and play Pie Party TAG.

1. Raise money for your chosen anti-cancer charity.

2. Record on your electronic device, giving or taking, an extra creamy aerosol can whipped cream paper plate Pie in the Face, preferably involving a cancer survivor. Identify the PiePal thrower and the PiePal with Pie in the Face.

3. TAG at least one other person to replicate what you did.

4. Post and share your video on Social Media, #piepartytag

5. Send your collected money directly to your anti-cancer charity. Please do not send money to American Pie Party.

“Do you know what the cure for cancer is? TAG, YOU ARE IT”! For more information, visit

Come join The American Pie Party for National Pie Day, Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 p.m. at Dublin's Shamrock Club!

  • Celebrities and People Who Celebrate LIFE! All accepting pie's in the face from cancer survivors, friends and family.

  • $10 minimum donation - cancer survivors are FREE!

  • Family magic by Carroll Baker

  • Music by Todd Berry and Sean Carney

  • Raise funds one pie at a time with "Pie-in-the-Face" FUN, helping us win the fight over cancer.

  • Supporting Christians Overcoming Cancer

  • Event dedicated to Rylan Foster - with a special thanks to all our PiePals!

Thank you, God be with you, and GoodPie!

Tony Sobony

Founder, Director and American Pie Pal


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